
Published Papers

“Health Reforms, Facility-Based Delivery, and Child Mortality: Evidence from Rwanda (Forthcoming). [Link to Paper] Journal of Demographic Economics.

“Weakening Demographic Dividend in India: Exploring the Case in 1999-2019” (With Yoon Jae Ro) (2024). _Asian Economic Papers._23 (2), 119-139.

“Oursource to India: The Impact of Service Outsourcing to India on the Labor Market in the US” (2024). Bulletin of Economic Research 76(1): 203–22. [Link to Paper]

Working Papers

“Voluntary Environmental Initiative and ESG Performance: Evidence from RE100” (Submitted) [Link to Paper]

“Resilience of Faith: Post-Covid Religious Trends and the Effect of Ecclesiastical Policy in the United States” (With Angela Cools and Carlos Esparza, SJ) [Link to Paper]


Utilizing mobility data from 15 million smartphone users, we examine the pandemic's impact on in-person religious attendance in the US. Attendance declined sharply in March 2020 and recovered slowly thereafter. Notably, religious attendance rebounded more gradually than other activities like restaurant visits. There were also variations across religious groups, with Catholics returning at a slower pace than Protestants, Orthodox Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists. By 2022, Protestants and Catholics reached around 85-90 percent of their 2019 attendance; other groups such as Latter-day Saints, Eastern Orthodox Christians, Buddhists, and Hindus had fully returned to pre-pandemic levels. We then introduce a novel approach to examine the impact of religious policies on behavior, leveraging variations in the timing of dispensation rescissions by US Catholic bishops. Using a difference-in-differences event study model, we find a short-term 2-4 percentage point increase in Catholic weekend church attendance following the lifting of dispensations, compared to the 2019 baseline. However, this effect fades over time and is smaller than the attendance surge seen after reopening churches post-lockdowns. These results suggest that religious policies impact behavior, though their effects may be transient.n.

“Public Education Funding Cuts and Enrollment Shift to Private Schools: Evidence from the Great Recession” [Link to Paper] [Online Appendix]


This paper asks whether funding for public schools affects private school enrollment. To examine the causality, I utilize the fact that states with greater historical reliance on state appropriations and states with no income tax experienced larger cuts for public K-12 education funding after the Great Recession. I find that students exposed to a $1,000 (9.2 percent) decrease in per-pupil funding are more likely to enroll in private schools by 0.46 to 0.62 percentage points. I show further that the effect is strongest among high socioeconomic status students living in disadvantaged areas, which suggests a change in student composition.

Policy Works

“국제사회의 ESG 대응과 한국의 과제” (공저), 연구보고서, 2022
“인도의 주별 인구구조 변화가 노동시장과 산업별 고용구조에 미치는 영향” (공저), 연구보고서, 2022
“국내외 ESG 평가사별 점수 비교: 국내 기업을 중심으로” (연구책임, 공저), 연구자료, 2022
“사회경제적 불평등 측정 방법 분석과 시사점” (공저), 연구자료, 2022
“주요국의 ESG 성과 평가 실태 및 시사점”, 오늘의 세계경제 22-20, 2022.12.
“Digital Transformation and Labor Market: How Much Do We Know?”, KIEP Opinion, No.232, 2022.03.